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Keith Robinson Wants To Be 'Loving You' Everywhere ​SOULBOUNCE.COM

It's gotta be hard to be a celebrity and have paparazzi following every breath you take, every move you make. You can't even go to the grocery store in old sweats lest a flick of you looking like a hot ass mess wind up on TMZ. And if you're dating someone and don't want to become fodder for every gossip blog each time you dine at Mr. Chow's, good luck with that. But some celebs just don't care and actually welcome the attention. That is the premise of sorts for Keith Robinson's music video for the song "Loving You." The track is an ode to public displays of affection, and he showers his lady with them as the paps are on their trail all around Los Angeles. At first Keith and his honey shy away from the cameras but eventually they start giving the 'razzi a reason to take their pics since these two can't keep their hands off of each other. When you're in love and caught up, you really don't care..

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